MissionControl: torii at the bottom of the mountain, where climbers begin
MissionControl: encouragement
MissionControl: Jan, me, Cone
MissionControl: one of many large insects we encountered
MissionControl: Smokey the Bear's Japanese cousin?
MissionControl: a rest stop
MissionControl: view of the city below
MissionControl: view of the city below
MissionControl: checkpoint
MissionControl: entrance to Atago-jinja 愛宕神社, the goal of our climb
MissionControl: Cone (Boston-style) and Jan in Atago-jinja 愛宕神社
MissionControl: Cone and me in Atago-jinja 愛宕神社
MissionControl: me and Jan in Atago-jinja 愛宕神社
MissionControl: Cone leads the descent