MissionControl: workshop space
MissionControl: cypress beams
MissionControl: workshop space
MissionControl: workshop space
MissionControl: beam fitting
MissionControl: workshop space
MissionControl: Maeda-san explains the teahouse plans
MissionControl: oooo, carpentry tools
MissionControl: tool sharpening stones
MissionControl: Maeda-san
MissionControl: Maeda-san shows us a joint
MissionControl: cross-section view of cedar post
MissionControl: cedar post
MissionControl: Maeda-san demonstrates the ink line tool
MissionControl: hand-made ink line tool
MissionControl: Maeda-san shows us a cedar post
MissionControl: Maeda-san demonstrates a round carving tool
MissionControl: planed wood
MissionControl: planing wood
MissionControl: planed wood-shaving
MissionControl: Hamana-sensei shows us the expert construction of this mizuya shelf piece
MissionControl: hand-carved peg for hanging hishaku and chasen in mizuya
MissionControl: split cedar (IIRC)
MissionControl: Maeda-san demonstrates weaving of ajiro ceiling
MissionControl: 'ajiro' woven ceiling
MissionControl: 'ajiro' woven ceiling