MissionControl: embroidered tea towel
MissionControl: recipe card wallet (inside)
MissionControl: recipe card wallet (outside)
MissionControl: handerchief for Celeste
MissionControl: unity candle
MissionControl: unity candle from behind
MissionControl: groom's-side guests
MissionControl: Celeste's mother and brother
MissionControl: Hallie and Brian
MissionControl: holding hands
MissionControl: exchange of rings
MissionControl: officially married
MissionControl: lighting the unity candle
MissionControl: a kiss? or a whisper?
MissionControl: Hallie and Brian
MissionControl: receiving line
MissionControl: view of my place at the table
MissionControl: the reception pavilions
MissionControl: tasting the cake
MissionControl: Lyssa and Laura chat
MissionControl: bouquet
MissionControl: hanging hydrangea
MissionControl: cello from live band
MissionControl: Celeste and Justin
MissionControl: Celeste on the dock with bouquet
MissionControl: kiss on the dock
MissionControl: strolling couple