MissionControl: Brian D.
MissionControl: Brian D., Justin, and Brian R. sample
MissionControl: Hallie
MissionControl: row of empty beer bottles
MissionControl: Celeste reads up on open source beer
MissionControl: Celeste and Justin
MissionControl: Andrew explains how it works
MissionControl: measuring out hops pellets
MissionControl: hops pellets
MissionControl: Brian D.
MissionControl: Hallie and Brian D.
MissionControl: Bartender Dude and Brian D.
MissionControl: measuring out whole grains
MissionControl: Brian D. grinds the grain mill
MissionControl: Hallie grinds the grain mill
MissionControl: Brian R. keeps an eye on the steam kettle
MissionControl: ground grain
MissionControl: brewing equipment
MissionControl: preparing the sack of grain to go in the kettle
MissionControl: learning about the brewing process
MissionControl: Justin + beer
MissionControl: staff member cleaning out the mash tun (I think)
MissionControl: Laura pours; Brian D. stirs
MissionControl: brewing
MissionControl: row of steam kettles
MissionControl: Celeste and Hallie
MissionControl: brewing is a social activity
MissionControl: John removes grain sack from kettle
MissionControl: Laura and John
MissionControl: Brian D. and Hallie