MissionControl: Baiba-san, Mioko-san, and Margie-san in the waiting area
MissionControl: Watanuki-san in the waiting area
MissionControl: Darja-san in the waiting area
MissionControl: osechi ryouri (お節料理)
MissionControl: ozouni (お雑煮), a rice cake soup
MissionControl: Darja-san enjoying ozouni
MissionControl: Katsu-san enjoying ozouni
MissionControl: Miyahara-sensei begins serving lobster
MissionControl: intermission
MissionControl: Darja-san wipes the rim of the tea bowl after drinking some of the thick tea
MissionControl: Margie-san drinks thick tea
MissionControl: Darja-san asks Miyahara-sensei about the tea and bowls
MissionControl: Mioko-san and Baiba-san
MissionControl: Katsu-san passes a bowl of thick tea to Watanuki-san
MissionControl: Darja-san examines the black raku tea bowl
MissionControl: Takagi-san serves as assistant
MissionControl: Timothy-san examines the Hagi ware tea bowl
MissionControl: kobukusa (古袱紗)
MissionControl: Miyahara-sensei folds her fukusa in preparation for the thin tea ceremony
MissionControl: Watanuki-san passes the examined tea utentils back to Takagi-san
MissionControl: sweets to go with thin tea
MissionControl: Baiba-san returns her tea bowl
MissionControl: Katsu-san enjoys some sweets
MissionControl: a tea bowl, next to some other tea ceremony items
MissionControl: the mizusashi, or fresh-water container
MissionControl: tea utensils
MissionControl: examining the natsume, or thin tea container
MissionControl: Katsu-san examines the natsume, or thin tea container
MissionControl: Watanuki-san examines the natsume, or thin tea container
MissionControl: Miyahara-sensei tells us about the utensils she chose for this ceremony