MissionControl: Tornado Kitty naps
MissionControl: bougainvillea blossoms
MissionControl: bougainvillea blossoms
MissionControl: stockings
MissionControl: Brian wraps presents
MissionControl: lighted ornament
MissionControl: candle ornament
MissionControl: mouse ornament
MissionControl: yule log with greens
MissionControl: poinsettia
MissionControl: beef thaws in a shower stall
MissionControl: presents under the tree
MissionControl: Tornado Kitty looks up from a bath
MissionControl: manger scene aftermath
MissionControl: box of moon cakes
MissionControl: Rosa prepares mushroom cups
MissionControl: Dad takes the beef roast out of the oven
MissionControl: Mom prepares a bowl of nuts
MissionControl: Tornado Kitty snoozes
MissionControl: Oliver keeps an eye out while Tornado Kitty snoozes
MissionControl: Tornado Kitty
MissionControl: Grandma Helen
MissionControl: Mom and Rosa make chocolate chip crescents
MissionControl: Mom and Rosa roll up chocolate chip crescents
MissionControl: the family room on Christmas morning
MissionControl: Oliver was under the tree
MissionControl: Brian enjoys his humidifier
MissionControl: Dad relaxes with Oliver