MissionControl: Takagi-san hosts the first seating
MissionControl: guests in the waiting area
MissionControl: Mr. Fukuda & Mr. Breer
MissionControl: guests in the waiting area
MissionControl: karakoromo
MissionControl: guests at the third seating
MissionControl: garden pond
MissionControl: tea is served
MissionControl: guests admire the utensils in the first seating
MissionControl: guests at the third seating
MissionControl: guests at the third seating
MissionControl: Katie, Margie-san, Kambayashi-san, and Katsu-san
MissionControl: Kambayashi-san, Katsu-san, and Katie
MissionControl: Keiko-san prepares tea while Takagi-san assists
MissionControl: Keiko-san, the host, chats with a guest
MissionControl: tokonoma
MissionControl: tea utensils
MissionControl: guests in the waiting area are served a sakura infusion
MissionControl: guests in the waiting area before the third seating
MissionControl: Mioko-san hosts the third seating
MissionControl: Mioko-san prepares tea
MissionControl: helpers, and two guests
MissionControl: guests and helpers chat