MissionControl: Suzie tries windsurfing
MissionControl: Matt reads
MissionControl: Tornado Kitty
MissionControl: Andy eats bacon
MissionControl: Suzie and Andy eat breakfast
MissionControl: Andy, up close and personal
MissionControl: Matt, at an angle
MissionControl: Mara tosses smoke bombs into the water
MissionControl: yes, smoke bombs float
MissionControl: Andy windsurfing
MissionControl: J, looking not unpleasant
MissionControl: two smoke bombs at the same time!
MissionControl: Andy, not quite on the windsurfer
MissionControl: Mara and Suzie
MissionControl: J's butt, center stage
MissionControl: Andy and Suzie, the scrubbers of potatoes and the makers of salads
MissionControl: gathering 'round the fire
MissionControl: Phil and Larissa
MissionControl: in the beginnning, there were potatoes
MissionControl: the conversation warms up
MissionControl: the wings go on the grill
MissionControl: the wings warm up
MissionControl: the not-quite-indestructible army guy