{Stefanie}: Landleben
{Stefanie}: Auf dem Markt
{Stefanie}: Schlosspark Lütetsburg/Ostfriesland
{Stefanie}: Krummhörn, Ostfriesland
{Stefanie}: Time for buddies
{Stefanie}: In a row
{Stefanie}: rural life
{Stefanie}: An der Niers
{Stefanie}: An der Niers
{Stefanie}: An der Niers
{Stefanie}: An der Niers
{Stefanie}: geese in the evening sun
{Stefanie}: Gänseballett
{Stefanie}: Gänseballett
{Stefanie}: flock of geese
{Stefanie}: End of summer II
{Stefanie}: Slow down!
{Stefanie}: playful
{Stefanie}: morning bliss
{Stefanie}: For the mind disturbed, the still beauty of dawn is nature's finest balm. | Edwin Way Teale
{Stefanie}: sunny morning
{Stefanie}: Early Bird
{Stefanie}: Green
{Stefanie}: Friday is here!
{Stefanie}: It is not down in any map; true places never are. | Herman Melville