~ misShadow ~: underground speed
~ misShadow ~: never ending stories
~ misShadow ~: mess...
~ misShadow ~: you've got mail!
~ misShadow ~: refflect thy season!
~ misShadow ~: safe landing...what's next?
~ misShadow ~: royal CLICHE'
~ misShadow ~: ...living on the edge
~ misShadow ~: I just want back in your head <3
~ misShadow ~: echoes in eternity
~ misShadow ~: "To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is softness that ends in bitterness."
~ misShadow ~: lullaby ...hang out to dry!
~ misShadow ~: spring came soon...I forgot to winter sport this year!!!
~ misShadow ~: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
~ misShadow ~: ....5th floor view
~ misShadow ~: M o r n i n '
~ misShadow ~: Watching you... watching me
~ misShadow ~: Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise!
~ misShadow ~: thriving dystopia
~ misShadow ~: hanging
~ misShadow ~: ..may it be
~ misShadow ~: poem to a bicycle
~ misShadow ~: viva la vida
~ misShadow ~: The dreams I dream, they take me here, beyond the last frontier!
~ misShadow ~: if i could fall into the sky..
~ misShadow ~: ..entering W0nderLand
~ misShadow ~: sandy cocktail
~ misShadow ~: near wild heaven