Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: After zoo dada soup
Mrs Emza: Off to school!
Mrs Emza: Off to school!
Mrs Emza: Off to school!
Mrs Emza: Off to school!
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: Viggo’s first day of school
Mrs Emza: First newsletter
Mrs Emza: Picking up sister from school
Mrs Emza: Picking up sister from school
Mrs Emza: Before we even left the parking lot
Mrs Emza: IKEA morning with mom
Mrs Emza: IKEA morning with mom
Mrs Emza: IKEA morning with mom
Mrs Emza: IKEA morning with mom
Mrs Emza: Decided to push the button with her foot
Mrs Emza: First time petting a snake!
Mrs Emza: First time petting a snake!
Mrs Emza: Zoo with dad
Mrs Emza: Zoo with dad
Mrs Emza: Thinks her calculator is a phone/camera
Mrs Emza: Thinks her calculator is a phone/camera
Mrs Emza: #1 elephant fan