Mrs Emza: Easter present from Jason's mom
Mrs Emza: The man brought home roses last night
Mrs Emza: Go sprouts go!
Mrs Emza: Jason said the best thing about living with me is that I keep a chisel in the bathroom.
Mrs Emza: Candlelight dinner for belated Valentine's Day
Mrs Emza: Springs-a-com'n!
Mrs Emza: I do laundry real good
Mrs Emza: The Man did good
Mrs Emza: 3pm No mail means no bills
Mrs Emza: How hot is it in my car?
Mrs Emza: Living/dining room
Mrs Emza: Living/dining room- nothing matches, it's fantastic
Mrs Emza: Fireplace... wonder if anyone ever opened the damper?
Mrs Emza: Bathroom
Mrs Emza: I found this for $5 at a yard sale- love it
Mrs Emza: Bedroom- still working on it
Mrs Emza: Kitchen
Mrs Emza: "Approved High Altitude Input"
Mrs Emza: Saturday morning fun
Mrs Emza: My morning ritual
Mrs Emza: Wind damage!!!!
Mrs Emza: Wind damage!!!!
Mrs Emza: Wind damage!!!!
Mrs Emza: Oh no! No! No! Please stop!!!!!
Mrs Emza: Grrrrrr.......
Mrs Emza: Such a pitty, they were so pretty
Mrs Emza: Ok I knocked down nest 1 and 2
Mrs Emza: I know it's mother's day BUT....
Mrs Emza: Mama squirrel
Mrs Emza: Nerd alert