Mrs Emza: Jeni's Ice Cream yum yum!
Mrs Emza: Cousin Alan and my Grandfather
Mrs Emza: cat naps in the grass with Henry
Mrs Emza: Lounging in the grass with my sweet bun
Mrs Emza: This is what I miss about Ohio
Mrs Emza: The garage
Mrs Emza: My dad made me that tree house many years ago
Mrs Emza: My mom used to put flowers in the basket
Mrs Emza: Clancy is actually a nice dog, but just needs training
Mrs Emza: Oh Lord save me!
Mrs Emza: Please don't maul me again!
Mrs Emza: My brother's car hula girl with issues
Mrs Emza: Mecca!
Mrs Emza: Lunch with Billy at Bon Vie
Mrs Emza: Lunch with my brother
Mrs Emza: Creme Brule for dessert!
Mrs Emza: Lucky 13!!!
Mrs Emza: I am home.
Mrs Emza: The hood
Mrs Emza: My favorite tree
Mrs Emza: Coral bells and ferns by the front stoop
Mrs Emza: My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza: My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza: My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza: My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza: Yet more Jello
Mrs Emza: GET. ME. OUT. OF. OHIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Emza: Michael Mercil's bean project
Mrs Emza: Ahhh.... The Wexner Center