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Home June 2007 by Mrs Emza
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Mrs Emza
Jeni's Ice Cream yum yum!
Mrs Emza
Cousin Alan and my Grandfather
Mrs Emza
cat naps in the grass with Henry
Mrs Emza
Lounging in the grass with my sweet bun
Mrs Emza
Mrs Emza
This is what I miss about Ohio
Mrs Emza
The garage
Mrs Emza
My dad made me that tree house many years ago
Mrs Emza
My mom used to put flowers in the basket
Mrs Emza
Clancy is actually a nice dog, but just needs training
Mrs Emza
Oh Lord save me!
Mrs Emza
Please don't maul me again!
Mrs Emza
My brother's car hula girl with issues
Mrs Emza
Mrs Emza
Lunch with Billy at Bon Vie
Mrs Emza
Lunch with my brother
Mrs Emza
Creme Brule for dessert!
Mrs Emza
Lucky 13!!!
Mrs Emza
I am home.
Mrs Emza
The hood
Mrs Emza
My favorite tree
Mrs Emza
Coral bells and ferns by the front stoop
Mrs Emza
My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza
My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza
My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza
My sweet bun Professor Henry Higgins
Mrs Emza
Yet more Jello
Mrs Emza
GET. ME. OUT. OF. OHIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Emza
Michael Mercil's bean project
Mrs Emza
Ahhh.... The Wexner Center
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