Emma Ruth Hughes: Jack O'Neill lives here
Emma Ruth Hughes: In n Out - awesome
Emma Ruth Hughes: Massive Latte 2
Emma Ruth Hughes: Massive Latte
Emma Ruth Hughes: Painted ladies
Emma Ruth Hughes: Chinatown
Emma Ruth Hughes: Down a hill
Emma Ruth Hughes: Pacific Ocean (sharks live here)
Emma Ruth Hughes: Ocean Beach sign
Emma Ruth Hughes: Foggy Golden Gate
Emma Ruth Hughes: Ocean Beach
Emma Ruth Hughes: Ocean Beach, San Francisco
Emma Ruth Hughes: Denny's, Pacifica
Emma Ruth Hughes: Mirror girl
Emma Ruth Hughes: Soundtrack
Emma Ruth Hughes: Road ahead
Emma Ruth Hughes: Looking to sea
Emma Ruth Hughes: Mysterious lighthouse
Emma Ruth Hughes: Some people stand in the darkness....
Emma Ruth Hughes: Boardwalk Fun Fair
Emma Ruth Hughes: Santa Cruz beach
Emma Ruth Hughes: Nils and Mary in the Asti
Emma Ruth Hughes: Andrew and Nils