Miss Emily Jane: Manhattan at the ass crack of dawn
Miss Emily Jane: And a very good morning to you too, Ms. Liberty!
Miss Emily Jane: Ellis Island
Miss Emily Jane: From the ferry
Miss Emily Jane: The one thing I had to and needed to see on this trip...
Miss Emily Jane: Light's on in the morning mist
Miss Emily Jane: The view from Staten Island
Miss Emily Jane: From the front of the Ferry
Miss Emily Jane: The Staten Island Ferry
Miss Emily Jane: Empire State of Mind
Miss Emily Jane: The Finanical Heart of the World
Miss Emily Jane: The Walking Tour
Miss Emily Jane: Some dude named George.
Miss Emily Jane: My mom, the reality TV fanantic, wanted to see it.
Miss Emily Jane: The rest of the Trump Building
Miss Emily Jane: Hey, it's that George fellow again!
Miss Emily Jane: I need to brush up on my American history
Miss Emily Jane: Heading off from the New York Stock Exchange
Miss Emily Jane: Ten Years Later
Miss Emily Jane: There is no 8 Hook and Ladder 8.
Miss Emily Jane: Screw the Trump Tower...
Miss Emily Jane: Bored in Times Square
Miss Emily Jane: 30 Rockefeller Plaza
Miss Emily Jane: Live from New York...
Miss Emily Jane: OK, so I caved...
Miss Emily Jane: Patrick and Chris