Miss Emily Jane: Thought it was extremely appropriate.
Miss Emily Jane: Key West
Miss Emily Jane: More Key West
Miss Emily Jane: Pretty Key West!
Miss Emily Jane: More Key West
Miss Emily Jane: Ittah, bittah, island commeitah
Miss Emily Jane: More little islands
Miss Emily Jane: Mountain Goats
Miss Emily Jane: Mountain Goats
Miss Emily Jane: Do I sing and dance? Or do I lounge and cry?
Miss Emily Jane: Until we meet again...
Miss Emily Jane: From the BlackBerry: Sloan
Miss Emily Jane: From the BlackBerry: Chris Murphy
Miss Emily Jane: The Main Event!
Miss Emily Jane: One very thin Steve Page
Miss Emily Jane: Hero Worship Ontario Style!
Miss Emily Jane: Ed Robertson
Miss Emily Jane: Kevin Hearn
Miss Emily Jane: Steve Page
Miss Emily Jane: My vantage point
Miss Emily Jane: Total group shot!
Miss Emily Jane: Ed Robertson
Miss Emily Jane: Oo! Oo! Story time!
Miss Emily Jane: Kevin Hearn
Miss Emily Jane: Steven Page and Jim Creeggan
Miss Emily Jane: Again with the colour filters
Miss Emily Jane: Ah, guitars!
Miss Emily Jane: Mike Evin
Miss Emily Jane: Mike Evin and Jim Creegan
Miss Emily Jane: There's one guy could only get maybe one decent picture of...