Miss Clare: Dad and I at the Aquarium
Miss Clare: KC and Dad in the shark Tunnel
Miss Clare: Photos in Review
Miss Clare: Chatting
Miss Clare: Curled up with Sharks
Miss Clare: Against the Glass
Miss Clare: Against the Glass 2
Miss Clare: Against the Glass 3
Miss Clare: Shiny Fish
Miss Clare: Looking
Miss Clare: Catching Fish
Miss Clare: Catching More
Miss Clare: Silhouette
Miss Clare: KC and Dad
Miss Clare: Acting Natural
Miss Clare: Smirking at the Hyatt
Miss Clare: Sitting on a Rock
Miss Clare: Off Guard
Miss Clare: Myth Busting Pineapples
Miss Clare: Cousin It Candids
Miss Clare: Catching the Wind
Miss Clare: KC and Dad
Miss Clare: Good times at the Cemetery
Miss Clare: KC and Dad
Miss Clare: KC and David visiting Mom
Miss Clare: Quality Family time
Miss Clare: Solem
Miss Clare: West Maui Mountain