misschelseadh: Wind Chimes
misschelseadh: Ceasar's Palace
misschelseadh: The Eiffel Tower ... sort of.
misschelseadh: Fountains
misschelseadh: What a happy kid.
misschelseadh: I really like this one.
misschelseadh: Excuse me, I'm busy playing.
misschelseadh: Woo hoo
misschelseadh: Fall trees in south Texas, a rare site.
misschelseadh: My babies.
misschelseadh: So much park, so little time.
misschelseadh: Now thats excitement.
misschelseadh: The net must be punished.
misschelseadh: Excuse me?
misschelseadh: He doesn't usually suck his thumb.
misschelseadh: You know I love you so...
misschelseadh: Lit by Christmas lights. Lovely.
misschelseadh: Heaven let your light shine down.
misschelseadh: Sometime around midnight.
misschelseadh: Autumn Leaves
misschelseadh: Gotta love the slow shutter speeds!
misschelseadh: It's a bird,
misschelseadh: He's always flying.
misschelseadh: The kid never stops.
misschelseadh: Fireworks
misschelseadh: Bird Bath