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Ann Arbor, May 2008 by lil' boo
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lil' boo
Kristie is bringing fanny packs back.
lil' boo
lil' boo
Great Lakes Myth Society at the Plymouth Green Festival
lil' boo
Brunch at Cafe Zola
lil' boo
Brunch at Cafe Zola
lil' boo
Dessert and bourbon for Doug at La Dolce Vita. Round 2.
lil' boo
Dessert and martini for me at La Dolce Vita. Round 2.
lil' boo
Amadeus for dinner
lil' boo
Atlantic Ducktrap Salmon Pancakes
lil' boo
Honey wine!
lil' boo
So good!
lil' boo
Honey wine!
lil' boo
No longer a Blimpy Burger virgin.
lil' boo
Blimpy feast!
lil' boo
Great Lakes Myth Society sound check at Leopold Bros.
lil' boo
Dessert at La Dolce Vita round 1
lil' boo
Dessert and bourbon for Doug at La Dolce Vita. Round 1.
lil' boo
Dessert and martini for me at La Dolce Vita. Round 1.
lil' boo
Metzger's for German food.
lil' boo
Metzger's for German food.