lil' boo: Kristie is bringing fanny packs back.
lil' boo: IMG_1184
lil' boo: Great Lakes Myth Society at the Plymouth Green Festival
lil' boo: Brunch at Cafe Zola
lil' boo: Brunch at Cafe Zola
lil' boo: Dessert and bourbon for Doug at La Dolce Vita. Round 2.
lil' boo: Dessert and martini for me at La Dolce Vita. Round 2.
lil' boo: Amadeus for dinner
lil' boo: Atlantic Ducktrap Salmon Pancakes
lil' boo: Honey wine!
lil' boo: So good!
lil' boo: Honey wine!
lil' boo: No longer a Blimpy Burger virgin.
lil' boo: Blimpy feast!
lil' boo: Great Lakes Myth Society sound check at Leopold Bros.
lil' boo: Dessert at La Dolce Vita round 1
lil' boo: Dessert and bourbon for Doug at La Dolce Vita. Round 1.
lil' boo: Dessert and martini for me at La Dolce Vita. Round 1.
lil' boo: Metzger's for German food.
lil' boo: Metzger's for German food.