AMARTI02: Traditional English breakfast - fried bread, egg, to-ma-toe, mushrooms, sausage and bacon.
AMARTI02: PJ in the east end
AMARTI02: Old Truman Brewery
AMARTI02: Old Truman Brewery
AMARTI02: Near Spitafields Farm
AMARTI02: Open Storage at the V&A
AMARTI02: The Victoria and Albert
AMARTI02: Total band dork moment
AMARTI02: Stupid bird drinks from dirty puddle
AMARTI02: Kensington Garden Birds
AMARTI02: Kensington Garden birds
AMARTI02: Young Ones
AMARTI02: Use your brolly to hail a cab
AMARTI02: London View
AMARTI02: Trafalger Square
AMARTI02: I heart grandpa
AMARTI02: The Thames
AMARTI02: London Eye
AMARTI02: Dali
AMARTI02: I heart London
AMARTI02: Backdrop
AMARTI02: Tate Modern from above
AMARTI02: St. Paul's
AMARTI02: PJ in the Tate Modern
AMARTI02: Just in case you need to make a call