AMARTI02: Sam's Cafe
AMARTI02: Outside of the British Museum
AMARTI02: Lobby of the British Museum
AMARTI02: Lobby of the British Museum
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: Owww...
AMARTI02: This is the one I remember from art history class
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: Choke hold
AMARTI02: Behind the Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: Porno Angle of the Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: Choke hold
AMARTI02: Visitors
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles minding the gap
AMARTI02: The Elgin Marbles
AMARTI02: I couldn't find the wall label to tell me why she is holding a creepy little man!
AMARTI02: I couldn't find the wall label to tell me why she is holding a creepy little man!
AMARTI02: I shall call him Oogelly Googly
AMARTI02: Museum Tavern
AMARTI02: Museum Tavern