AMARTI02: PJ and I enjoy $17 beers (ouch) at the airport
AMARTI02: Above JFK at night
AMARTI02: Traditional English breakfast - fried bread, egg, to-ma-toe, mushrooms, sausage and bacon.
AMARTI02: PJ has his first meat and tatters meal.
AMARTI02: Site of our first meal in Lonon. This rascal was a common Bethnal Green store front sight.
AMARTI02: Potty People! Whomp, there's my poop.
AMARTI02: Mighty Monkey
AMARTI02: East End tagging
AMARTI02: Actual Patrick taking photos
AMARTI02: Patrick 2008 ET
AMARTI02: Steve and I would like this place
AMARTI02: East End Door
AMARTI02: PJ in the east end
AMARTI02: East End London Store Front
AMARTI02: A Suitcase not even Air France could misplace
AMARTI02: Danger of stabbing by lightening bolt arrow inside a yellow triangle
AMARTI02: Old Truman Brewery
AMARTI02: Old Truman Brewery
AMARTI02: Old Truman Brewery
AMARTI02: Just off Brick Lane
AMARTI02: Just off Brick Lane
AMARTI02: Off Brick Lane - Black and White
AMARTI02: Just off Brick Lane
AMARTI02: Just off Brick Lane
AMARTI02: Just off Brick Lane
AMARTI02: Near Spitafields Farm
AMARTI02: Near Spitafield Farm
AMARTI02: Near Spitafield Farm