AMARTI02: Ahhh, Santa Hat Pub Crawl III begins!
AMARTI02: Tim decides he loves the bear.
AMARTI02: Crosby Rides The F
AMARTI02: Crosby on the Delancy escaltor.
AMARTI02: Crosby hanging out in Boss Tweed's
AMARTI02: Mel and Mela.
AMARTI02: Tim does shot #1. Yuck.
AMARTI02: The gang arrives.
AMARTI02: Cros and the Bouncer play nice.
AMARTI02: Bar #1 - DONE!
AMARTI02: Bar #1 - DONE!
AMARTI02: Bar #1 - DONE!
AMARTI02: What Up Santa-homie?
AMARTI02: Scary bathroom.
AMARTI02: Interesting Beer Tap.
AMARTI02: Roar.
AMARTI02: "Bears. Bears With Frickin Laser Beams Attached To Their heads!"
AMARTI02: "Bears. Bears With Frickin Laser Beams Attached To Their heads!"
AMARTI02: Too cute.
AMARTI02: Classic Martin Face
AMARTI02: Sue and Brice? No way.
AMARTI02: Evan arrived by the 2nd bar. ALMOST on time!
AMARTI02: Things Got Blurry Outside Bar #2, Welcome to the Johnsons.
AMARTI02: Things Got Blurry Outside Bar #2, Welcome to the Johnsons.
AMARTI02: Things Got Blurry Outside Bar #2, Welcome to the Johnsons.
AMARTI02: Homie needs some cash.
AMARTI02: Hells Yeah, New Musuem.
AMARTI02: Tom loans his hoodie to Cros. He was cold.