missluxlisbon: City Lights
missluxlisbon: back to black
missluxlisbon: Festa Major
missluxlisbon: Multiple phases of the Endymion's sleep.
missluxlisbon: I couldn't believe this was France.
missluxlisbon: ¿Do you believe in magic?
missluxlisbon: James Dean Mode
missluxlisbon: Under Man Ray inheritance
missluxlisbon: Rarezas
missluxlisbon: under Man Ray inheritance II
missluxlisbon: in December drinkin horchata
missluxlisbon: nutty as a fruitcake
missluxlisbon: room curved by time
missluxlisbon: darkness is upon me
missluxlisbon: Wizard of Oz house
missluxlisbon: Y el tiempo me devora minuto tras minuto...
missluxlisbon: puede que en realidad seamos únicos
missluxlisbon: I'm not your kind of people
missluxlisbon: this is how I will become in the unlived days I
missluxlisbon: tell me where it hurts
missluxlisbon: this is how I will become in the unlived days II
missluxlisbon: this is how I will become in the unlived days III
missluxlisbon: Wild Orphan
missluxlisbon: "The recognition --- something so rare in his soul, met only in dreams --- nostalgias of another life."
missluxlisbon: all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
missluxlisbon: this is a fact, your mind uses 70% of the time repeating memories and recreating perfect moments