Miss Metaphor: Diana, Me, Shaina, and Becky
Miss Metaphor: Steve, Chips, and Timmy C
Miss Metaphor: Fetus and his temporary mullet
Miss Metaphor: Diana, Me, Jess(R.I.P), and Shaina
Miss Metaphor: Timmy C, Diana, and Fetus
Miss Metaphor: Olle and Steve
Miss Metaphor: Nick, Fetus, and Olle
Miss Metaphor: My old dog Murphy
Miss Metaphor: Me and Fetus
Miss Metaphor: Jenny and Amy
Miss Metaphor: Marina and Aalia
Miss Metaphor: Marina and Aalia
Miss Metaphor: Sammy and the dollar bills
Miss Metaphor: Me, Shaina, and Cassafrass
Miss Metaphor: Sarah, Becky, and I
Miss Metaphor: Jason and Shaina
Miss Metaphor: Sarah and Becky
Miss Metaphor: Sarah, Becky, me, and Shaina
Miss Metaphor: Jason and Donavan
Miss Metaphor: Bryan and the oldest cleaning product ever
Miss Metaphor: Rally and Eli
Miss Metaphor: Cogen and Joker
Miss Metaphor: Cogen and Joker, take 2