Miss Embe: Jonathan's special :-)
Miss Embe: D128 - lac du lauzon: the one time I am happy with wide angle
Miss Embe: Lac du Lauzon (again and last)
Miss Embe: If you know it, you'll recognise it.
Miss Embe: D135 - Provencal Colorado?
Miss Embe: Milton amazing maize maze
Miss Embe: stormy roussillon
Miss Embe: D137 - It was really sunny above the clouds, promise.
Miss Embe: D207 - Cycling towards the Golden Gate bridge
Miss Embe: Looking for fossils in pebbles
Miss Embe: stonehenge
Miss Embe: stonehenge in B&W
Miss Embe: Beware of the Cliffs
Miss Embe: Sunrise with a Lobster