Miss Embe: chains
Miss Embe: Self portrait with point and shoot
Miss Embe: When I have the focus right
Miss Embe: Stack of chairs
Miss Embe: D43 - My new rule: when I cannot take a picture, I sketch
Miss Embe: D44 - There is very little point in being polite...
Miss Embe: D69-Staring at the door...
Miss Embe: Hot sarsaparilla for 50p a cup.
Miss Embe: D60 - With Jonathan's lense I can take pictures a la Dom
Miss Embe: On my way to Campkins
Miss Embe: D79 - bright
Miss Embe: D81 - One minute before midnight and still no idea
Miss Embe: D88 - embarquement immediat plateforme 10
Miss Embe: Getting down the Sacré Coeur
Miss Embe: D107 -BBC says that the summer will not be exceptionally dry and hot, after all
Miss Embe: D122 - He tried hard but i was brave and didn't scream
Miss Embe: D132 - Aixoise water
Miss Embe: Water fountain in Aix
Miss Embe: D173 - When there is absolutely no more inspiration, self portrait is your friend
Miss Embe: D176 - blob
Miss Embe: got my pinhole camera photos
Miss Embe: D188 - Exploring the bathroom with my flash
Miss Embe: D194 - Pepino from zippo circus
Miss Embe: D213 - Staring at Flickr in the dark
Miss Embe: Sound assesment
Miss Embe: D219 - Tie day
Miss Embe: D225 - Light
Miss Embe: looking through the window
Miss Embe: D245 - White Christmas
Miss Embe: D244 - Paparazzi