misplacedpom: P6120101
misplacedpom: purplesock1
misplacedpom: purplesock2
misplacedpom: sockbot
misplacedpom: trioofsocks
misplacedpom: hedera
misplacedpom: fishtail
misplacedpom: fishtail2
misplacedpom: fishtail3
misplacedpom: Gentleman's Fancy Socks in some Ziggy Stardust sneakers
misplacedpom: Regia 4-fadig Oak Ribbed Socks
misplacedpom: Two kinds of toe warners
misplacedpom: Evening Stockings for a Young Lady
misplacedpom: Evening Stockings for a Young Lady
misplacedpom: Evening Stockings for a Young Lady
misplacedpom: Evening Stockings for a Young Lady
misplacedpom: Rainbow coloured socks
misplacedpom: Colours galore!!
misplacedpom: Mini-Me Socks
misplacedpom: Monkey
misplacedpom: Monkey
misplacedpom: monkeys!
misplacedpom: trekking110
misplacedpom: sidewinders2
misplacedpom: Scrappy Little Sock
misplacedpom: baby socks for Uganda
misplacedpom: monkeytake2
misplacedpom: Monkey socks in Great Adirondack sock yarn
misplacedpom: Monkey socks in Great Adirondack sock yarn
misplacedpom: Schaefer Anne Monkeys and Connor