Mighty June: 3... 2... 1...
Mighty June: Ooh kids racing Mario Kart cars
Mighty June: Ooh fire-breathing metal dragon
Mighty June: Ooh giant metal dragon
Mighty June: Ooh spinning see-saw
Mighty June: Ooh mini-chairs
Mighty June: Oooh custom-cut chair
Mighty June: Whoa walking chair
Mighty June: Ryo explaining Bootstrapsolar.com
Mighty June: Eric & Ryo at Maker Faire
Mighty June: Bootstrapsolar.com
Mighty June: Agh, train moved too fast
Mighty June: Old Timey train
Mighty June: Emotion Eric as photog assistant
Mighty June: Asian dorks and their food and cameras
Mighty June: Goh at Rockwood Music Hall
Mighty June: Totally.
Mighty June: Hehe what?
Mighty June: Aww, I'll miss this town
Mighty June: Ooh maybe for next year?
Mighty June: Hello Kitty for Halloween
Mighty June: Eric wrapping up an ice cream cake
Mighty June: Shrimp burger, yums!
Mighty June: Doughnut from Dough
Mighty June: Time for a catnap
Mighty June: Ooh, a Lichtenstein
Mighty June: at a Chelsea gallery
Mighty June: Aw, summer
Mighty June: at the Chelsea U-Haul
Mighty June: Kermit sneakers