Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Gemma Stone Shoppies Doll
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Gemma Stone Shoppies Doll
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Abbey's Snowy Day
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Rainbow Kate Join the Party Shoppies Doll
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Rainbow Kate Join the Party Shoppies Doll
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Rainbow Kate Join the Party Shoppies Doll
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Rainbow Kate Join the Party Shoppies Doll
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Donatina Goes to Brazil Shoppie Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Rosa Piñata World Traveler Shoppie Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Rosa Piñata Visits Mexico Shoppie Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Donatina Goes to Brazil Shoppie Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Blossom Apples Shoppie Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Melodine Shoppies Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Pinkie Cola Visits USA Shoppies Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Pinkie Cola Shoppies Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Melodine Shoppies Doll 2017
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Friya Froyo (art on box)
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Lemony Limes Signature Doll 2018
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Lemony Limes (back of box)
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Friya Froyo Signature Doll 2018
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Friya Froyo 2018 (back of box)
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Makaella Wish Signature Doll 2018
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Makaella Wish 2018 (back of box)
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Signature Shoppies 2018
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Wild Style Jessicake (Color Change Critters Tribe) 2018
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Wild Style Jessicake (back of box) 2018
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Wild Style Rainbow Kate (back of box)
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Wild Style! 2018
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles:
Winter 2018 Shoppies Dolls (That I have) :)