miskiamber: Wooden
miskiamber: Mansions of Arnavutköy
miskiamber: On Top of One of the Minarets in the World
miskiamber: Fuji Captures Medusa
miskiamber: Bâbü's-Selâm (The Gate of Salutation), Topkapı Palace, Sarayburnu/İstanbul
miskiamber: Marble Engravings of the Aesthetic Safety Rails by the Ottoman Architecture
miskiamber: Minarets in the Sky
miskiamber: Bâb-ı Humâyûn (The Imperial Gate) of the Ottoman State in use between approximately 1465-1856) and My Colored Film
miskiamber: Vers les Quartiers Résidentiels
miskiamber: The Grand Imperial Mosque of Sultan Abdülmecid by Nigoğayos Balyan (const. 1854-56)
miskiamber: Kurşunlu Külliyesi
miskiamber: Istanbul University (Dârü'l Fünûn-ı Şâhâne), Ramadan 1437
miskiamber: The Plant Site "Başak"