miskan: Harvey Staal outside the old Bible Shop in Kuwait, 1969
miskan: The old Bible Shop in Kuwait
miskan: An old shop is being renewed - Kuwait, 1971
miskan: Family Bookshop, Kuwait 1969
miskan: A lucky Family book Group customer wins a trip to London with BOAC - Kuwait, 1971
miskan: Family Bookshop - Kuwait, 1969
miskan: A lucky Family book Group customer wins a trip to London with BOAC.
miskan: A lucky Family book Group customer wins a trip to London with BOAC. Kuwait
miskan: An old Family Bookshop being renewed, 1971
miskan: A new Family Bookshop - Kuwait, 1971
miskan: A joint meeting in the Mission in Kuwait - 1969
miskan: New Family Bookshop opens in Kuwait. Missionary staff i arriving with Dr. Don Bosch in the middle
miskan: A new Family Bookshop - Kuwait, 1971