phonolector: We arrived to Island of Punk by the sea
phonolector: Carrying equipment
phonolector: Dog came to enjoy punk and sun
phonolector: Waiting for the first show
phonolector: Island of Punk is now open
phonolector: Festival people and mandatory EasyJet ad
phonolector: Enjoying Punk
phonolector: My friend and his new best friend
phonolector: Festival people
phonolector: Playing around
phonolector: Babylon Dub Punks I
phonolector: Festival audience
phonolector: Festival audience
phonolector: Babylon Dub Punks II
phonolector: Waiting for the next band
phonolector: Active Minds I
phonolector: Active Minds II
phonolector: Chilling out
phonolector: Active Minds leaving, Happy Spastics entering
phonolector: Festival audience
phonolector: Happy Spastics I
phonolector: Festival audience
phonolector: Festival audience
phonolector: Happy Spastics II
phonolector: Happy Spastics III
phonolector: Happy Spastics IV
phonolector: Happy Spastics V
phonolector: Dog wants to dance
phonolector: My friend can't believe that the festival is ending soon
phonolector: Love is in the air I