George: George Oates
moka!: smiling for a few weeks now, biggest one yet. corgi bomb might have something to do with it. and auntie @pennees and uncle @benfu too.
George: New table, crap sofa, the boys
George: Caturday
Elkin: Hockey night
George: Proximal Kittehs
mebooyou: Cold Chillin
Charlie B Catt: The wild cat tribe of the jungle
fraying: Monk, Angkor Wat
fraying: Just a taste of what I saw today.
fraying: Just a taste of what I saw today.
fraying: Cambodia at night
alishaann: Welcome to the neighborhood!
mroth: Chocolate chunk garbage cookies, with toffee, pretzel bits, espresso, and orange zest. My own improvised recipe.
Mike Monteiro: Sutro
kellan: Fall frittata with broccoli flowers
jimmyg99: McConnells Mills
jimmyg99: Dad at veterans day parade 2013
: Nils: The beginning
fraying: O HAI
rentavet: A. Ruff & Sons
Amy Fichter: penn theatre
fraying: Bug as statue.
George: Brothers
Eric: Pop with garlic
jimmyg99: IMG_3168
jimmyg99: IMG_3197
fraying: Teef!
tlundrig: Me and a Giant Galapagos Tortoise, Santa Cruz Highlands, Galapagos, June 12, 2013