mishlove1: 250131 - Here's Winnie...... (David - Renee - Paul....😊)
mishlove1: Skating in the valley
mishlove1: Coffee Shop...
mishlove1: Car Wash....
mishlove1: Graffiti.....
mishlove1: Patio....
mishlove1: St Clair....
mishlove1: Between buildings....
mishlove1: Exit.....
mishlove1: Under the neath
mishlove1: Graffiti.,.,.
mishlove1: Paris....
mishlove1: Leaning in....
mishlove1: Chatting.....
mishlove1: Coffee shop....
mishlove1: Between 2 buildings.....
mishlove1: Another one....
mishlove1: X marks the spot....
mishlove1: Soon to be in a pita.....
mishlove1: Value the Buds....
mishlove1: HERE....on the corner.
mishlove1: Not Alot Of Spam.....
mishlove1: Tattoo.....
mishlove1: 1 ringy dingy.....ect etc.
mishlove1: Fruit, Veg and other stuff....
mishlove1: Window dressing
mishlove1: Reg and Purple People.
mishlove1: Bush wacking.....
mishlove1: Don Jail....
mishlove1: Numbers....