mishiko: m in the harbour
mishiko: m in the harbour
mishiko: toronto from toronto harbour
mishiko: toronto looks like a bunch of batteries...
mishiko: toronto from toronto harbour
mishiko: resting before the storm...
mishiko: rigging the J
mishiko: maja
mishiko: kat
mishiko: toronto - view from Blue J
mishiko: view of toronto from the toronto harbour
mishiko: view of toronto from the toronto harbour
mishiko: rob
mishiko: rob
mishiko: kat
mishiko: "you'd be nothing without me!", proclaimed the CN Tower...
mishiko: kat
mishiko: kat
mishiko: calm before the...storm?
mishiko: is that...wind?
mishiko: nope...
mishiko: rob
mishiko: IMG_1729.JPG
mishiko: at least we're getting a tan...right?
mishiko: skipper
mishiko: IMG_1724.JPG
mishiko: rigging the Blue J