Misha Misha Misha:
Final cut - fabrics for Celtic Solstice mystery with Bonnie Hunter, beginning 11/29/13 on quiltville.blogspot.com
Misha Misha Misha:
One down, 187 to go!!!
Misha Misha Misha:
Loving these Tri Rec rulers!!
Misha Misha Misha:
Looks like I've got 85 sewn so far, mostly the "oranges". I have more parts cut out but am concerned about the browns.
Misha Misha Misha:
Comparing the brown (which I used) vs the cream (that I was supposed to use). Hoping I'm going to like it. I know the quilt calls for a lot more of it so this is just a test of colors pulled.
Misha Misha Misha:
Comparing the brown (which I used) vs the cream (that I was supposed to use. Hoping I'm going to like it. I know the quilt calls for a lot more of it so this is just a test of colors pulled.
Misha Misha Misha:
Contrast issues
Misha Misha Misha:
Step 2, first 6 units
Misha Misha Misha:
1 & 2
Misha Misha Misha:
Misha Misha Misha:
All 25
Misha Misha Misha:
Part 4
Misha Misha Misha:
Misha Misha Misha:
Close up of a few of the finished units
Misha Misha Misha:
Playing with the pieces
Misha Misha Misha:
A variation on the solution
Misha Misha Misha:
Misha Misha Misha:
Celtic Solstice
Misha Misha Misha:
first 9 blocks
Misha Misha Misha:
Blocks are DONE!
Misha Misha Misha:
Misha Misha Misha:
Celtic Solstice top complete
Misha Misha Misha:
Teaser pic from Ami
Misha Misha Misha:
Before, during and after…including help from my two inspectors
Misha Misha Misha:
Before, during and after…including help from my two inspectors
Misha Misha Misha:
Before, during and after…including help from my two inspectors
Misha Misha Misha:
Before, during and after…including help from my two inspectors
Misha Misha Misha:
IMG_9518 copy
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IMG_9515 copy
Misha Misha Misha:
IMG_9513 copy