miserychick: School photos #toddlerlife
miserychick: I told him I will no longer hold his bike's handlebars (the semi bend is giving back pain!) so he opted to walk his scooter to school instead. #toddlerlife
miserychick: our fav photo from this summer of Oren with his Grampy. Going to space! #toddlerlife
miserychick: Oren's first day of Casa 2! he is so not happy about getting a new cubby and having to share it! Life is so hard. #toddlerlife #backtoschool
miserychick: had so much fun on Toronto Island yesterday with his Chicagoan friends
miserychick: when the ice cream truck shows up at the park #toddlerlife
miserychick: learning the life-long skill of IKEA-shelf building. #toddlerlife
miserychick: First time seeing life-size #r2d2, he might have fallen in love 😍
miserychick: Oren with his big cousins
miserychick: 50lbs of tomatoes turned into 14 quarts of tomato sauce. back breaking work, but so #worthit
miserychick: rocking the the emo-prep school look with the Monday uniform #toddlerlife
miserychick: oh I made this little tub of coconut strawberry ice cream in my spare time. #nobigdeal #mykidsdinner
miserychick: goodbye splash pad / wadding pool season. see you next year. #endofsummer #toddlerlife
miserychick: Sunday morning #pancake #toddlerlife #nohedidnteatit
miserychick: celebrating a very successful first day of school! #toddlerlife
miserychick: toronto playgrounds - where forgotten toys find new love. #toddlerlife
miserychick: little dudes
miserychick: saying hi to his favourite neighbor, the "ikky spider" at the pest control shop window next door. #toddlerlife
miserychick: mommy always wanted a "stand mixer" 😆😆 #toddlerlife
miserychick: selfie on the roof
miserychick: brief reunion with @dirtyfitz and @armadillu. a bit older a bit wiser.
miserychick: day in Brooklyn #latergram @jane_wowdow
miserychick: celebrating the #bluejays
miserychick: upgraded from wadding in pool to wadding in lake. #cottagecountry #summerincanada
miserychick: 30c and no clouds in Toronto today, wadding pool is indispensable. ❤️ #summerinTO
miserychick: stylin'
miserychick: day at the beach #summerinTO
miserychick: strawberries are gooot #summerinTO
miserychick: of course I have a tie dye ring sling. ooak by @kanjanastudio and @sewfunky
miserychick: refuses any kind of hats, but will happily wear a park sand bucket over his head. #toddlerlife