miscellania.: here comes my bus; 8:03am
miscellania.: entrance to BART station, look how exciting.
miscellania.: the prettiest BART station is...
miscellania.: goin' down
miscellania.: that's my train!
miscellania.: is that 'business' attire?
miscellania.: swipin' it.
miscellania.: one of the first buildings i see when i get out of the station.
miscellania.: fog burning off...walking down NewMo(ntgomery) to my office.
miscellania.: one of my favorite buildings...ghost busters!
miscellania.: front of ghost busters.
miscellania.: oh look at that patriotic little building...that's my cave.
miscellania.: look! i wear computer glasses.
miscellania.: i'm staring at this right now.
miscellania.: walking up 3rd street for lunch.
miscellania.: this guy's awesome
miscellania.: street carrr.
miscellania.: chinatown/northbeach/union square
miscellania.: farmer's market at crocker galleria
miscellania.: crocker galleria glass ceiling
miscellania.: what's for lunch?
miscellania.: view of sutter street from my seat
miscellania.: lunch...best everrrr...
miscellania.: walking back to work...dudes and bikes chillin'
miscellania.: palace hotel and sky
miscellania.: MUNI in the evening...waitingwaitingwaiting.
miscellania.: here she comes.
miscellania.: tuning people out on MUNI
miscellania.: the prettiest MUNI station is...