Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Before entering, holding the ticket
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: The Assembly Hall
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Poupée Mècanique
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: These Shoes Are Not For Walking
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: The mandatory PaM shot
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Pen conspiring to rule the world - Part II
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Goldie group shot
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Marie met Penny
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Kenners, Kenners, Kenners
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Marie congratulates Strawberry
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: got the ticket!!!
Misato ♥ Leo COUTURE: Scottish Queen teaser