andanzasderuthie: guava cheesecake
andanzasderuthie: Tuna cheese melt sandwich 8/365
andanzasderuthie: pomegranate 17/365
andanzasderuthie: Green's 23/365
andanzasderuthie: fish saute 26/365
andanzasderuthie: leftovers 28/365
andanzasderuthie: Capresse sandwich 40/365
andanzasderuthie: 46/365- Veggie meat fajitas
andanzasderuthie: 50/365- Fried plantains with alfredo tuna
andanzasderuthie: 57-365Tequila mood
andanzasderuthie: 61-365 Sancocho with white rice
andanzasderuthie: 64-365 snack eggs-5
andanzasderuthie: 65-365 10/52 something fruity
andanzasderuthie: 70-365 Mojito