mirsavio: Steps
mirsavio: Shadow man
mirsavio: Patterns
mirsavio: Alone
mirsavio: Streets of Zurich
mirsavio: Window
mirsavio: The last days of summer.
mirsavio: Cup of Cola
mirsavio: Jump
mirsavio: Strolling in the morning
mirsavio: Strolling
mirsavio: Selfi
mirsavio: Light and shadow
mirsavio: Shadow man
mirsavio: Effort
mirsavio: Runner
mirsavio: Light in the end of tunnel
mirsavio: People and shadows
mirsavio: Lantern
mirsavio: Running girl
mirsavio: Lines and shadows
mirsavio: Curves
mirsavio: Old man
mirsavio: Break dance
mirsavio: Winter in Bat Galim
mirsavio: Tree
mirsavio: Bat Galim beach
mirsavio: Fisheye for the poor or how to get selfi without rod
mirsavio: Lines and shadows
mirsavio: Alone