mirsasha: Curl
mirsasha: The city
mirsasha: Wave
mirsasha: I really want one of those door knobs
mirsasha: I really want one of those door knobs
mirsasha: Peek-a-boo
mirsasha: Yes, it really was green and sparkled in the sun
mirsasha: Hey, Dad, can I go in?
mirsasha: Looked Dad, I went in
mirsasha: Hey Dad, I want out
mirsasha: Will you help me get out?
mirsasha: Will you help me get out?
mirsasha: Dad, please help
mirsasha: Dad, please help
mirsasha: City Hall Park
mirsasha: City Hall Park
mirsasha: One World Trade Center
mirsasha: Lunch time
mirsasha: Underconstruction subway stop
mirsasha: Underconstruction subway stop and One World Trade Center
mirsasha: Underconstruction subway stop
mirsasha: I love these eagles so much
mirsasha: Entrance to the 9/11 Museum
mirsasha: Underconstruction subway stop
mirsasha: One World Trade Center
mirsasha: 9/11 Museum
mirsasha: 9/11 Museum
mirsasha: 9/11 Museum
mirsasha: 9/11 Museum
mirsasha: 9/11 Museum