mirsasha: The wonder twins
mirsasha: Fist bump
mirsasha: Schwank & Nalbandian confer
mirsasha: Serious looking bench
mirsasha: Coke Light again? Must be on a diet.
mirsasha: Acting like they have a chance to win
mirsasha: Why is that lady yelling at Daveed's coach?
mirsasha: Pep talk
mirsasha: Help me!
mirsasha: Feli
mirsasha: Serious encouragement
mirsasha: I think Marc! just farted
mirsasha: Daveed means business
mirsasha: Hi, my name is Edwardo. Nice to meet you.
mirsasha: Schwank is pumped
mirsasha: High five!
mirsasha: He started it!
mirsasha: Verdasco
mirsasha: Boys? You can just talk to each other, no need to text.
mirsasha: I love the face Big Dave makes when he serves
mirsasha: Dubious Dave
mirsasha: Whatever was on that paper amused Rafa
mirsasha: *sproing!*
mirsasha: Ah, still thinking they have a chance
mirsasha: Verdasco
mirsasha: Frustrated Verdasco
mirsasha: Frustrated Verdasco
mirsasha: Froggy Feli
mirsasha: He's munching...he's walking...
mirsasha: Yep, they are going to lose