mirsasha: Deco detail
mirsasha: Deco detail
mirsasha: Room with a B&H view
mirsasha: Tufted
mirsasha: Post office and Madison Square Garden
mirsasha: Closed
mirsasha: Ribbet!
mirsasha: Lamp and gargoyle
mirsasha: Alec and the giant shoe
mirsasha: Lucy at work
mirsasha: Pop culture mish-mash
mirsasha: Happy toast is happy
mirsasha: Monopoly
mirsasha: Handle bar
mirsasha: It burrrrns
mirsasha: Protection
mirsasha: My Way
mirsasha: Call in sick
mirsasha: Hogs & Heifers
mirsasha: Tripe
mirsasha: Tighty whities
mirsasha: Yellow
mirsasha: Halted construction
mirsasha: Street
mirsasha: Lucy discovers the lovely windows
mirsasha: *sigh*
mirsasha: The High Line
mirsasha: Collision course
mirsasha: Lucy works it
mirsasha: Amy & Lucy