mirsasha: Bella is ready to go!
mirsasha: Bella waits for her daddy
mirsasha: Mustard and Ketchup
mirsasha: Baroo!
mirsasha: Ready to walk!
mirsasha: Fisherman and friend
mirsasha: Astro was our special guide for the day
mirsasha: Uh, I'm not too sure about this...
mirsasha: Another cute dog
mirsasha: Dogs following mom
mirsasha: Puppy!
mirsasha: This lady had two dogs who were enjoying the fountain
mirsasha: Stopping to water the dog
mirsasha: Volunteer dog
mirsasha: Cop, Volunteer Dog, Volunteer Human
mirsasha: Cutie pie dog
mirsasha: Sweet dog
mirsasha: Time for a swim
mirsasha: Who's zooming who?
mirsasha: *sniff*
mirsasha: Pup
mirsasha: Sweet puppy face
mirsasha: Out for a walk
mirsasha: Fetch
mirsasha: I think there are squirrels here...
mirsasha: Ha!
mirsasha: Damn leash!
mirsasha: I got it!
mirsasha: I got it!
mirsasha: Romp