mirsasha: Look at me!
mirsasha: Hmm
mirsasha: Maybe...
mirsasha: Hmm
mirsasha: Long way down
mirsasha: Maybe...
mirsasha: Or...
mirsasha: Still turning
mirsasha: Still turning..
mirsasha: That didn't help
mirsasha: Time to rethink
mirsasha: Back to scooting
mirsasha: Yeah, scooting's the way to go
mirsasha: Hey, mom!
mirsasha: Sorry, junior
mirsasha: Splits
mirsasha: This really isn't working, is it?
mirsasha: Maybe I should go this way...
mirsasha: Mei Xiang
mirsasha: Seriously, mom...
mirsasha: Maybe I need to get low
mirsasha: Maybe this could work
mirsasha: Or maybe not
mirsasha: Panda tush!
mirsasha: Let's go this way
mirsasha: Hold on tight
mirsasha: Slipping!
mirsasha: Making progress
mirsasha: This seems like a good place to rest
mirsasha: I'm down now