mirsasha: Inis Oirr
mirsasha: Approaching the island
mirsasha: Jack B - our boat to the island
mirsasha: Welcome to Inis Oirr
mirsasha: The boat that took us to the island
mirsasha: The view from the pier
mirsasha: Pony trap ride
mirsasha: Little house
mirsasha: Rock walls
mirsasha: Inis Oirr
mirsasha: Mom during the ponty trap ride
mirsasha: The Plassy
mirsasha: Rocky edge
mirsasha: Plassy
mirsasha: New lighthouse
mirsasha: Plassy
mirsasha: A little bit of sand
mirsasha: Mom talks to our driver
mirsasha: The horse kept trying to go when s/he wasn't supposed to
mirsasha: Wee little house
mirsasha: Rocks everywhere
mirsasha: Ruin
mirsasha: Laundry (and a ship wreck)
mirsasha: New roof; old roof