Mirror Image Gallery: Man in top hat
Mirror Image Gallery: The undertaker
Mirror Image Gallery: Check out my hat!
Mirror Image Gallery: Beaver top hat
Mirror Image Gallery: The Farmers Boy
Mirror Image Gallery: Occupational daguerretype, Postal?
Mirror Image Gallery: Young men in uniform
Mirror Image Gallery: Good Ol' Boys
Mirror Image Gallery: Ride anyone?
Mirror Image Gallery: White Tophat
Mirror Image Gallery: Posed with Tophat
Mirror Image Gallery: 1850's Gent in White Top Hat
Mirror Image Gallery: Gent in Top Hat
Mirror Image Gallery: Chimney Sweep
Mirror Image Gallery: Check Out My Hat!
Mirror Image Gallery: Serious Player
Mirror Image Gallery: Big Tie,Little Hat
Mirror Image Gallery: How do you like my hat!
Mirror Image Gallery: The Carpetbagger
Mirror Image Gallery: Victorian Gent in Top Hat Ambrotype
Mirror Image Gallery: Young Man In Great Hat Daguerreotype
Mirror Image Gallery: John Devault Daguerreotype Close up
Mirror Image Gallery: John Devault Daguerreotype
Mirror Image Gallery: 1/6 Daguerreotype "Young Man & His Hat"
Mirror Image Gallery: Men in Tophats Daguerreotype