Bilderwense: 'Trust in me, just in me Shut your eyes and trust in me You can sleep safe and sound Knowing I am around' (The jungle book)
Bilderwense: 'Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.' George Washington Carver l
Bilderwense: Looking down (sorry I can't be more creative this time of day)😉
Bilderwense: I rather stare at the steps than step up the stairs
Bilderwense: Hypnotize
Bilderwense: Lichtblick
Bilderwense: Chilehaus
Bilderwense: Chilehaus
Bilderwense: 'Hör auf mich, glaube mir! Augen zu vertraue mir!' (Kaa - Dschungelbuch)
Bilderwense: Vertigo
Bilderwense: Guitar hero
Bilderwense: When an architects wet dream was still pleasing to the eye
Bilderwense: S for Slide
Bilderwense: Hypnotize
Bilderwense: Vertigo II